As the frequency of extreme weather events increases, understanding impacts and how to build and ensure resilience in our energy system for the weather of the future is a key priority. Particularly in Texas, with its islanded grid, studying feasible and economic options to improve resilience, minimize outages, and reduce emissions is a primary research topic in the group.
Electrifying end-uses where possible while reducing carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation is a key pillar of reaching decarbonization goals. Our work informs potential demand side changes that could result from electrification while also assessing the supply side requirements to reduce emissions from the electricity system.
The electricity system is just one facet of the broader energy economy and understanding how to reduce emissions while maintaining reliability of energy is a key research question. Expanded use of new technologies like clean hydrogen, carbon capture and storage, and direct air capture, represent opportunities to reduce economy wide emissions but have related energy and infrastructure requirements. Our large-scale energy system modeling research explores these complexities and tradeoffs.
Ongoing and recent projects include: