Nick is a civil engineering graduate and recipient of the Sustainable Energy Systems certificate from the University of Texas at Austin. Nick works with Scott Vitter on spatio-economic analyses of residential water-related appliance retrofit strategies within the United States. He also works with Bruk Berhanu and Anna Schleifer on developing a modeling framework to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of decentralized water supplies (on-site collection, treatment, and reuse of rain-, gray-, and black-water on a land parcel), to offset demand for potable water and wastewater services and reduce physical extent of centralized water and wastewater infrastructure.
This coming fall, Nick will be attending graduate school at Northwestern University to study mechanical engineering, with an emphasis in energy and sustainability. Previously, Nick worked as a Water Practice Engineering intern at CP&Y, Inc., where he helped evaluate the feasibility of replacing gravity belt thickeners with high-efficiency centrifuge dewatering systems. He also worked as a tutor for the engineering fluid mechanics course for the Cockrell School of Engineering. In addition, he worked as a Water Resources Engineering intern at Leonard Rice Engineers, Inc., where he worked on projects that allocate water rights between the Gulf Coast Water Authority and its industrial and municipal customers. On top of his current research, he also works as a Graduate Engineering intern at Geosyntec Consultants. He also completed a course in Engineering Communications, co-taught by Dr. Webber in Paris, France.
Outside of Webber Energy Group, Nick is an avid tennis player, plays guitar and bass, and sings.