Brynjólfur Víðir Ólafsson (Binni) is from Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. He has a bachelor's degree in engineering management from Reykjavík University (RU) and was the semi-dux of his graduating class. After finishing his undergraduate studies he worked for a year as the program administrator for the undergraduate engineering program at RU, before moving to Austin to further his education. He studied mechanical engineering (thermal/fluids systems) at the University of Texas at Austin. His research focused on quantifying the technical and economic potential of renewable natural gas in the United States. Brynjólfur was a Fulbright scholar and a recipient of the Thor Thors scholarship. He graduated with his master's degree from UT in December 2014. Brynjólfur has been married to his wife, Kristine Andersen, since 2009, and together they have two children, Markús and Emilía. His interests include traveling with the family, soccer, roller coasters and fireworks.
Brynjólfur’s research focused on estimating the technical and economic potential of renewable natural gas (RNG) in the United States and Texas. RNG is a low-carbon fuel source that is derived from the anaerobic digestion or thermal gasification of biomass, or produced using renewable electricity through the methanation of carbon dioxide. Brynjólfur’s research was primarily focused on the methanation pathway, and how the production of RNG through electrolysis and methanation could mitigate some of the negative issues associated with increased dependence on renewable resources for power generation.
Upon joining the Webber Energy Group, Brynjólfur helped design and TA the undergraduate freshman course ‘How Things Work,’ which was taught by Dr. Webber in the fall of 2013.
As a project for the course 'Energy Technology and Policy', Brynjólfur created a video exploring Iceland's high energy consumption. Upon publication, the video was awarded the 'Editor's Pick' on the sustainability website Planet Forward.
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (2014)
B.Sc. Engineering Management, Reykjavík University (2011)
Fulbright Scholarship (2012)
Thor Thors Scholarship (2012)