
Featured Publication

Don’t Mess with Texas: Getting the Lone Star State to Net-Zero by 2050

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen the state’s economy, according to new research from energy scientists at The University of Texas at Austin.
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Webber Energy Group Publications Library

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Energy and Immigration
M.E. Webber and S.R. Kirshenbaum
Energy Depletion Risks Task Force Report
R. Duncan, D. Baker, T. Browder, S. Campbell, S. Duval, L. Gilg, L. Graham, E. Mathews, S. McNally, J. Walls, M.E. Webber
Energy from Water
C.W. King and M.E. Webber
Energy Return on Investment for Algal Biofuel Production Coupled with Wastewater Treatment
C.M. Beal, A.S. Stillwell, C.W. King, S.M. Cohen, H. Berberoglu, R.P. Bhattarai, R. Connelly, M.E. Webber, R.E. Hebner
Energy Storage Analysis to Increase Large Ship Fuel Efficiency
B. H. Gully, M.E. Webber, C.C. Seepersad, and R.C. Thompson
Enhancing the Economics of Nuclear Power Through Heat Storage
W. Neal Mann, Sheldon Landsberger, Michael E. Webber
Evaluating rotational inertia as a component of grid reliability with high penetrations of variable renewable energy
Samuel C. Johnson, Dimitri J. Papageorgiou, Dharik S. Mallapragada, Thomas A. Deetjen, Hoshua D. Rhodes, Michael E. Webber
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