
Featured Publication

Don’t Mess with Texas: Getting the Lone Star State to Net-Zero by 2050

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen the state’s economy, according to new research from energy scientists at The University of Texas at Austin.
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Webber Energy Group Publications Library

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Community-Scale Air Conditioning Control for High Penetration of Rooftop Photovoltaics
W.J. Cole, K.X. Perez, J.D. Rhodes, M.E. Webber, M. Baldea, and T.F. Edgar
Community-scale residential air conditioning control for effective grid management
W.C. Cole, J.D. Rhodes, W.H. Gorman, K.X. Perez, M.E. Webber, T.F. Edgar
CommunityScale Air Conditioning Control for High Penetration of Rooftop Photovoltaics
W.J. Cole, K.X. Perez, J.D. Rhodes, M.E. Webber, M. Baldea, and T.F. Edgar
Communityscale residential air conditioning control for effective grid management
W.J. Cole, J.D. Rhodes, W.H. Gorman, K.X. Perez, M.E. Webber and T.F. Edgar,
Comprehensive Evaluation of Algal Biofuel Production: Experimental and Target Results
C.M. Beal, R.E. Hebner, M.E. Webber, R.S. Ruoff, F. Seibert, and C.W. King
Conversion of Wet Ethanol to Syngas and Hydrogen
C.H. Smith, D.M. Leahey, L.E. Miller, J.L. Ellzey and M.E. Webber
Data Management for a Large-Scale Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Austin, Texas
K. Nagasawa, C.R. Upshaw, J.D. Rhodes, C. Holcomb and M.E. Webber
Deliver Me from food waste: Model framework for comparing the energy use of meal-kit delivery and groceries
Isabella M. Gee, F. Todd Davidson, Brittany L. Speetles, Michael E. Webber
Deliver Me from Waste: Impacts of E-Commerce on Food Supply Chain Energy Use
Dr. Isabella Gee, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
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