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Don’t Mess with Texas: Getting the Lone Star State to Net-Zero by 2050

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen the state’s economy, according to new research from energy scientists at The University of Texas at Austin.
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Webber Energy Group Publications Library

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Reducing Your ‘Foodprint’ While Eating Healthier
C.I. Birney, K. Franklin, F.T. Davidson and M.E. Webber
Residential energy retrofits in a cooling climate
J.D. Rhodes, N-E. I. Bouhou, C.R. Upshaw, M.F. Blackhurst and M.E. Webber
Residential solar PV installation optimization and lessons learned
J.D. Rhodes, K. Nagasawa, C.R. Upshaw, and M.E. Webber
Residue-Derived Solid Re- covered Fuel for Use in Cement Kilns
J.R. Fyffe, A.C. Breckel, A.K. Townsend, and M.E. Webber
Residue-Derived Solid Re- covered Fuel for Use in Cement Kilns
J.R. Fyffe, A.C. Breckel, A.K. Townsend, and M.E. Webber
Residue-Derived Solid Recovered Fuel for Use in Cement Kilns: Final Report
J.R. Fyffe, A.C. Breckel, A.K. Townsend and M.E. Webber
Rick Perry Was A Clean Energy Governor
M.E. Webber and S.R. Kirshenbaum
Selecting Favorable Energy Storage Technologies for Nuclear Power
S.C. Johnson, F.T. Davidson, J.D. Rhodes, J.L. Coleman, S.M. Bragg-Sitton, E.J. Dufek, and M.E. Webber
Shale Boom Could Fuel Batteries
Y.R. Glazer, Jamie J. Lee, F.T. Davidson, M.E. Webber
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