
Featured Publication

Don’t Mess with Texas: Getting the Lone Star State to Net-Zero by 2050

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen the state’s economy, according to new research from energy scientists at The University of Texas at Austin.
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Webber Energy Group Publications Library

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Green Star State
M.E. Webber
Greening the GDP
G. Groves and M.E. Webber
High sensitivity photoacosutic detection of chemical warfare agents
M.B. Pushkarsky, M.E. Webber, Tyson MacDonald and C.K.N. Patel
High sensitivity phtoacoustic detection of chemical warfare agents
M.B. Pushkarsky, M.E. Webber, Tyson MacDonald
High Sensitivity, High-Selectivity Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents
M.B. Pushkarsky, M.E. Webber, T. MacDonald, and C.K.N. Patel
High Sensitivity, HighSelectivity Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents
M.B. Pushkarsky, M.E. Webber, T. MacDonald, and C.K.N. Patel
Hired Guns: Views About Armed Contractors in Operation Iraqi Freedom, RAND
S.K. Cotton, Ulrich Petersohn, M. Dunigan, Q. Burkhart, M. Zander-Cotugno, E. O’Connell, and M.E. Webber
How Solar and Storage Can Reduce Coincident Peak Loads and Payments: A Case Study in Austin, TX
Arkasama Bandyopadhyay, Joshua D. Rhodes, Julia P. Conger and Michael E. Webber
I'll Buy That! Cybersecurity in the Internet Marketplace
S.L. Pfleeger, M. Libicki, and M.E. Webber
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