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Don’t Mess with Texas: Getting the Lone Star State to Net-Zero by 2050

Texas could eliminate its carbon pollution in fewer than 30 years, and decarbonizing would actually strengthen the state’s economy, according to new research from energy scientists at The University of Texas at Austin.
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Webber Energy Group Publications Library

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A Capacity Planning Model for Microgrids in Rural India
Arkasama Bandyopadhyay, Katrina Ramirez-Meyers, Enakshi D. Wikramanayake, Benjamin D. Leibowicz, Michael E. Webber, Vaibhav Bahadur
A Clean Energy Plan for Texas
M.E. Webber, D.T. Allen, K. Ferland, C.W. King, G. McGaughey, S.J. Goldman and Y. Kimura
A Compilation of Design for Environment Guidelines
C. Telenko, J.M. O’Rourke, M.E. Webber and C.C. Seepersad
A Decision Support Tool for Distributed Solar and Storage Investments: A Case Study in Austin, TX
Arkasama Bandyopadhyay , Julia P. Conger , Michael E. Webber , Benjamin D. Leibowicz
A Framework to Report the Production of Biodiesel from Algae
C.M. Beal, C.H. Smith, M.E. Webber, and R.S. Ruoff
A Framework to Report the Production of Renewable Diesel from Algae
C.M. Beal, C.H. Smith, M.E. Webber, R.S. Ruoff, and R.E. Hebner
A geographically-resolved method to estimate levelized power plant costs with environmental externalities
J.D. Rhodes, C.W. King, G. Gulen, S. Olmstead, J. Dyer, R.E. Hebner, F.C. Beach, T.F. Edgar, and M.E. Webber
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